
Monthly Archive for: ‘March, 2018’
10 things to do to be a better leader

I’ve been banging on recently about how we should stop trying to be perfect (because it ain’t going to happen) and just focus on becoming incrementally better. If we tried, each day, to just be a little better than we were the day before, and we did it for long enough, our leadership effectiveness would …

If you could do just one thing today, what would it be?

In his book ‘Essentialism’ Greg McKeown tells the story of how, just a couple of hundred years ago, the word ‘priority’ meant the single most important thing. Then we messed with it and invented a word called ‘priorities’ which as we now know means lots of most important things. If you could do just one …

Are you your ‘Personal Best’ Leader?

I’ve been talking lately about how we should be focusing on being better and letting go of the desire to be the best. It’s a concept that’s getting some mixed responses. I think that we have been told (and sold) the concept that we should all strive to be the best and that anything less …

What are you going to do differently in 2018?

A really simple, yet valuable investment in your time over the holiday break. They say the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result. What are you going to do differently in 2018? What are you going to start doing? There are plenty of things that we …

How should we measure the effectiveness of a leader?

A Google search of ‘measuring leadership effectiveness’ reveals nearly five million search results. Enough said that it is a complex issue. What about if we judged a leader’s contribution by how far they grew their people and how much better their people became as a result of their leadership? Putting aside the difficulty of objectively …