“Imagination is more important than intelligence.” Albert Einstein.
One of the ways I keep current with leadership matters and thought leaders around the world is to follow the blogs of a number of gurus. One of them is a guy called Mark Miller. A recent blog really appealed to me so I have included some thoughts from it here. It is about the importance of imagination in leadership.
He makes the point that leaders try to get us to a future that doesn’t yet exist. They imagine it first. They also imagine the path that will lead to the future – that’s called strategy.
They get us to imagine the benefits of this future place. Sometimes they get us to imagine the consequences if we don’t go on the journey.
Leadership can be a serious task and we can get caught up in it, but we need to keep our ability to imagine and even develop our imagination.
Einstein also said “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”
What are you imagining for your organisation’s future?
PS: The image of Einstein is by Derek Russell. Thank you to Derek for allowing me to share his great work.