This short, practical exercise will result in a one page blueprint for action in your 2014.

Firstly, spend about 30 minutes looking back on 2013, month by month. Make a list of your successes and disappointments, the positives and the negatives. Next, identify the four or five most important areas of your life eg health, family, spirituality, finances, personal growth, social life, career etc. Rate your 2013 performance in each area, noting highlights and low lights. Combine the two lists to get a complete picture. How does it feel looking back over the last 12 months? Circle the top three issues – they are your areas of focus for 2014.

The second part of the exercise requires you to project your thinking to 31 December 2014. Where do you want to be in each area by the end of the year? Take a fresh piece of paper and put the three headings (your areas of focus). Under each list a brief statement representing where you want to be in 12 months. List some dot points of actions you need to take to get you there.

One of the keys to this exercise is to keep it simple. On one page you should now have a map to guide you throughout 2014. Make it your best year ever.

Bonus tip: Share your plan with someone you care about and respect. This will increase your commitment to and accountability for your goals.

