Leadership means different things to different people. Some think it’s about power and getting your own way. Here is a new way to think – it’s called servant leadership and it’s about making sure that you are making others better as well as yourself.

Imagine if all bosses were more focused on doing whatever they could to enable employees to be their best. If they did, I reckon there would be more people who are loyal, engaged and happy, including the bosses.

Leadership should be about you making sure that you are the best you can be. But don’t stop there – focus on what you can do to serve those around you, to lift their performance.

Here are five things that you can do to be more of a servant leader.

  1. Get to know your people, show them you care, and listen more.
  2. Work out where you can build their confidence. Where can you help them grow?
  3. Understand what motivates them and try to give them more. For example, praise and recognition are powerful motivators and they cost nothing.
  4. Lead by example. How can you improve and in turn influence others by your performance?
  5. Be aware of your legacy. What will people say about your leadership when you are gone?
Some people judge leaders by the number of followers they create. I would rather judge leaders by how many other leaders they grow and nurture.

