change butterflys

Just yesterday I presented at an industry conference on building a culture of leadership. In the presentation I listed what I think are the top five things you need to have in place if you want to improve your organisation’s culture.

1. High level commitment (board/owner/senior management). Without it, as soon as things get hard or tough (and they will), focus will move onto another issue, when this one is super important.

2. A plan. As with anything worthwhile, a sound strategic plan should underpin it. Think first, act next.

3. Widespread engagement and commitment. All levels of people in your organisation should be engaged and committed to the process. You will have to work hard at achieving and maintaining this.

4. Action. You might have commitment and have a plan, but nothing changes until you take action. This is where the rubber hits the road.

5. Courage. Courage to accept that change needs to happen and courage to see it through when it gets hard.

Last newsletter was about checking in on the state of your organisation’s culture. If you decided you wanted to improve it, make sure you have these five things in place.

Let us know if we can help.

