We’ve developed a simple test of authenticity.

There are 12 statements. You need to give each one a score depending on how often your behaviour matches with the statement. The possible responses are 1 – always, 2 – mostly, 3 – in between, 4 – sometimes, 5 – never. When you have scored each one, add your score up to see how you fared.

1.    I tell the truth.
2.    I am clear about my values.
3.    I have difficult conversations without delay.
4.    I am consistent in my dealings with people.
5.    I lead by example.
6.    There is alignment between what I say and what I do.
7.    When I know I need to act, I act without delay.
8.    I do what I say I am going to do.
9.    I can be trusted.
10.  I know myself.
11.  I am the same on the inside as I appear on the outside.
12.  I say what I mean and mean what I say.

A total score of 12-24 means that you have replied either always or mostly to all 12. This would indicate a high level of authenticity – well done, keep it up.

A score of 25–36 indicates that you are going well, but there is room for improvement. Don’t get complacent.

If you scored between 36 and 48 it means that you have plenty of work to do.

Scoring more than 48 indicates an urgent need for action to improve your authentic behaviour. Your lack of authenticity is most probably holding you back in your leading.

The good news is that there is plenty that you can do to improve. If this is what you want, simply look back at the statements in theauthenticity audit and identify what you scored highest on.  Go to work on those areas.

